Hello, and welcome to my website! I am a Professor of Applied Entomology at the University of Maine. Although this site is dedicated to my professional activities, I maintain it on a private server and it is not formally affiliated with the University.
For 70% of my work time, I serve as a fearless leader of a group of graduate and undergraduate students who are paying my bills by investigating economically important pestiferous and beneficial insects. Our main focus is on creatures found in or around potato crops, but on occasion we also venture into other systems or look at more basic issues in insect biology. For the remaining 30% of my work time, I teach several classes on subjects related to entomology and pest management.
Geographically, our laboratory is split between the main campus in Orono (where I am physically located) and Aroostook Research Farm in the heart of potato country in Presque Isle. The Presque Isle part is run by Mr. Aaron Buzza, the man who actually makes our scientific dreams and aspirations come true.