Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae: Acariformes), is one of the most important agricultural pests in the world. Their populations have a tendency of rapidly developing resistance to acaricides, making it necessary to have a variety of active ingredients for sustainable chemical control of this pest. We investigated acaricidal properties of a relatively new insecticide spirotetramat using its commercial formulation, Movento Energy. Spirotetramat applied at concentrations equivalent to the field rates of 78 and 90 g ai/ha had a strong negative effect on the survival of the treated T. urticae, with ca. 95% of females and ca. 65% of males dying after the treatment. Spirotetramat appeared to interfere with female reproductive system. Many of the dead treated females had eggs stuck in the oviduct and protruding from their bodies. Surviving treated females did not lay eggs. Furthermore, untreated females that mated with treated males did not produce female offspring and displayed the symptoms of spirotetramat poisoning. Toxic effects continued manifesting themselves after female mites were transferred from treated onto untreated plant culture. Contrary to previous studies, contact toxicity was also detected. None of the treated immature stages survived to adulthood. Based on these results, spirotetramat may be a good option for integrated pest management in crops that are simultaneously affected by sucking insects and spider mites and in pesticide rotation sequences that are a part of integrated resistance management programs.